Do These Things Before Going To a Job Interview (2023)
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Do These Things Before Going To a Job Interview (2023)

Do These Things Before Going To a Job Interview

Do These Things Before Going To a Job Interview: As you begin to explore the labour market, it is unavoidable that you will attend job interviews. Working remotely does not excuse one from this very important stage of job hunting. As the economy becomes harder, landing and secure and well-paying job is the dream of an average Nigerian.

The issues remain that with the way good paying jobs are hard to find, what can one do to make sure they do extremely well in that job interview and land the job? What exactly are hirers searching for? Amongst hundreds or probably thousands of applicants, how can one stand out? We bring the secrets right to your doorstep. In this article, you will see the list of things that you need to do before going for a job interview that may land you the job.

What is a Job Interview?

A job interview is more like a conversation (exchange of questions and answers) between a job applicant and an employer or the representative of the employer. The job interview is done to assess whether or not the applicant has what it takes to be hired. In the meeting, the hirer or employer asks the person applying for the job questions that will ascertain that he/she is right for the position she/he is applying for. From the interview, your hirers will discover your skill, experience, and background and will know if they are suitable for the task at hand.

The interview is more of a question-and-answer session, but your employees are not the only ones permitted to ask you questions. You should also have intelligent questions to ask your employers. That’s not all.

Most people get excited when they are called for an interview. However, that excitement dies days after the interview if they are not called back. This is because the main objective of an interview is not to merely answer questions but to land the job. We want to change the narrative for you. What are the things you must do before you go for your job interview? Read on.

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Things You Must Do Before Going To A Job Interview (If you want to have the job)

There are many tricks to this, but we have selected the top ten strategies for you.

  1. Rehearse your interview answers
  2. Do a mock interview
  3. Research the company.
  4. Make copies of your resume.
  5. Prepare questions for the interviewer.
  6. Review the job description.
  7. Sleep well.
  8. Mind your body language.
  9. Dress appropriately.
  10. Stay calm


Rehearse your interview questions

You may not know the questions your interviewer(s) will throw at you so it will be wise to practice beforehand. How do you go about it? Research popular questions that are asked in interviews generally. Then to be more specific, research questions that are asked in the industry of the job you are applying to. If you have researched the interviewers and the company, then you can also set possible questions that you may be asked.

Rehearse your interview questions
Rehearse your interview questions

Do a Mock Interview

A little bit of role-playing won’t hurt anyone, and it will help you to be more prepared and in the mood. Ask a friend, family or even an acquaintance to play the role of your employer and ask you certain interview questions. Practice how to comport yourself, present your body language and answer the questions.

Research the Company

It is trite that you research the company you are about to be in interviewed in. This will help you know the company policy, the type of employers they seek to employ, how you should dress, and how to answer any questions you are asked concerning the company.

Make Copies of Your Resume


You never know what may happen; thus, to prepare for the unknown ensure you make copies of your resume. If there is more than one person that is interviewing you, they may ask for more copies of your resume to spread amongst the team. On the other hand, if your resume gets lost or gets destroyed, having an extra resume will help you not to panic.

Prepare Questions for the Interviewer

Write possible and intelligent questions you may want to ask your interviewer. It could be about the company, working time, salary, or even a company policy that you do not understand.

Review the Job Description

The job description tells you what type of person and qualifications the company is seeking to hire. It also states the role the person will be expected to perform upon employment. So you should read the job description properly before heading for your interview.

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Sleep Well

No matter how tense or excited you are about your interview, ensure you get enough rest and sleep. Try to calm your active mind so that you won’t be disoriented during the interview. Besides getting enough sleep will make you look fresh, which is also important. You do not want to appear worn out before your possible employers.

Mind your Body Language

From your facial expressions to the way your body reacts, you have to be careful with the way your body reacts to the questions and gaze of your interviewers. Some of your interviewers will know when you are tensed, scared, confident, rude or even ignorant. So be careful.

Dress Properly

Dress the way you wish to be addressed. Dress professionally. However, if you had researched the company and you have an idea if there is a particular type of dress code they adopt, you can use such a dress code. It will communicate to your interviewers that you did your homework.

Stay Calm

Try to be calm before and during the interview. Avoid fidgeting or being anxious in an obvious way. Your calmness will be interpreted by your interviewers as being confident, which is the impression you should make.


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  • Chinaza

    This post is originally written by Chinaza C. Ifeanyichukwu, a Professional blog writer and Editor. She boasts of over a decade of expertise in the recruitment sector, Chinaza provides up-to-date information on jobs and recruitment topics, career opportunities, and breaking news. Ensure you visit the website constantly so as not to miss any new updates!!

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