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10 Things You Must Avoid Saying During a Job Interview

10 Things You Must Avoid Saying During a Job Interview

Things You Must Avoid Saying During a Job Interview: Have you ever been in an interview? Are you aware that is a never-say rule during a job interview? Job seekers and applicants should be aware that there are things they must avoid saying at all costs during an interview.

In this article, you will see the list of things that you should avoid saying no matter what.

Things Must Avoid Saying During a Job Interview

During a job interview, there are some things your interviewers want to hear you say that when you say it, it will raise your chances of getting the job. On the other hand, there are things you should be conscious of never saying in an interview. Some people are not aware of these never-say statements or phrases so to help them out we have made a comprehensive list of things you should never say during a job interview.

Top Ten (10) Things You Must Avoid Saying During a Job Interview

Here is a list of ten (10) things you should never say during a job interview:

  1. I am the best candidate
  2. I don’t know
  3. It is on my resume
  4. Avoid unprofessional language
  5. Speaking ill of your previous employers
  6. Statements that reveal you didn’t do research
  7. Avoid giving irrelevant or unrequested information
  8. Aggressively ambitious statements.
  9. Questions as to why the position is vacant
  10. Ask for feedback immediately

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I am the best candidate

While we are advocates for being confident during an interview, avoid being a show-off. There is a thin line between the two, so avoid crossing the line. Crossing the line is when you say things like, ‘I am the best candidate for this job’ or ‘You won’t find a candidate as qualified as I am’. Avoid rubbing it in your interviewer’s face. If you are the best allow them to attest to it by offering you a job offer. When you portray yourself as overly confident and almost proud, your interviewers will be sceptical to employ you because they will not want a difficult employee on their hands.

I don’t know

No matter what your interviewers ask you, don’t ever say, ‘I don’t know’, because your interviewers are expecting that you came prepared. They know you are aware that you will be asked questions so it will be surprising – if not disappointing – that you were not prepared. There are alternatives to this statement and some of them include: ‘I’m not sure, but I’ll find out and let you know’, ‘I’ll look into it and get back to you’, ‘I’m not certain the information I have concerning that may be accurate, so I will do much research and get back to you with an updated response’, ‘By the end of today, I will get back to you’, etc.

It is on my resume

Just like it sounds, saying ‘It is on my resume’ to your interviewers sounds direct, rude and saucy. They do know it is on your resume because they probably read through it. However, it has been known among hirers that job applicants do write their own resumes hence the need to ask sometimes. If you are able to answer perfectly what you presented on your resume, it will communicate to them that the information given there is veritable.

Avoid unprofessional language

Both spoken and body language that bespoke lack of professionalism must be avoided at all costs. Vocabularies such as cursing or slang should be avoided. Your statements and responses should be made in complete sentences. Also, avoid poor sitting posture or slouching; sit up straight and look at your interviewers while answering their questions.

Speaking ill of your previous employers

An interview is not a therapy session nor is it a venting ground. Even if your previous employers were not good to you, this is not the right time to talk about that. Be selective with your response. Talk about the good parts of your job to the extent that you can remember, the skills you learned, the experience you gained, etc.

Statements that reveal you didn’t do research

A job seeker is expected to do quality research before coming in for an interview. Don’t make statements or ask questions that will reveal to your interviewers that you did not do any research, or you did not do enough research. Comments like asking what the company does or who the CEO of the company is are what you should avoid.

Avoid giving irrelevant or unrequested information

Toe the line with the way you answer questions. Don’t give irrelevant information or personal information that was not requested from you. Even if you were asked a certain question, don’t be limitless with your response. Answer exactly what you were asked and wait for the next question.

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Aggressively ambitious statements.

In your bid to appear confident, don’t be too aggressive with your statements. For instance, don’t make statements that suggest that you are coming for their job or that you may want to take over the company. Be cordial with your response.

Questions as to why the position is vacant

It is literally none of your business to inquire what happened to the person who was working in that position before or why the position has been vacant for a certain period of time.

Ask for feedback immediately

Avoid doing this at all costs. I understand that you may be apprehensive and would like to know how well you did in the interview but don’t ever do this. An alternative to this is waiting for a few days and sending a follow-up email.

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  • Chinaza

    This post is originally written by Chinaza C. Ifeanyichukwu, a Professional blog writer and Editor. She boasts of over a decade of expertise in the recruitment sector, Chinaza provides up-to-date information on jobs and recruitment topics, career opportunities, and breaking news. Ensure you visit the website constantly so as not to miss any new updates!!

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