Ghana Cedi (GH₵) To Naira (NGN) Black Market Rate Today
Ghana Cedi (GH₵) To Naira (NGN) Black Market Rate: Are you interested in knowing the exchange rate of Ghana Cedi to Naira for today? Well, we’ve got you covered as we will be giving you a recent update on that below.
In Nigeria, we can see that the exchange rate of Ghana Cedi to Naira has increased a bit but not as drastically as that of Pounds, and as of today, the exchange rate has not reduced in any form.
The Ghana Cedi and Naira exchange rate has been updated based on the exchange rate in Lagos rather than the Abokifx exchange rate. So if you have the intention of buying a Ghana Cedi, you will buy it at the rate of N65 on the black market.
If you have some Ghana Cedi to exchange, you will be exchanging it at the rate of N68. In order to be specific on the amount and also bring the accurate amount of exchange rate, we had to check what rates dealers are selling the pounds to Naira Exchange rate at Lagos and Abuja respectively, we got to discover, and you can sell your Ghana Cedi at the rate of N70 and buy the Ghana Cedi at the rate of N65.00.
If you wish to get more information on the Black market exchange rate of Ghana Cedi to Naira, then you are on the right page. In this guide, I will provide insights on Ghana Cedi to Naira (₦) Black Market Rate Today. To get more insights, I suggest you stay on this page as all information will be provided below.
Ghana Cedi (GH₵) To Naira (NGN) Black Market Rate Today
According to research, as of today, the Ghana Cedi is being purchased at N70. It has increased from N68 to N70 in just a few months. It has been discovered that Ghana Cedi can be purchased at the exchange rate of N 70 in the Black Market at Lagos.
Last week, Ghana Cedi was purchased at the rate of N78 and by this, the exchange rate has actually declined from N78 to N70 this week. Checking out the exchange rate fluctuation since November 2024, we have noticed that there were times when it increased but as of now, it stands at the rate of N70.
Ghana Cedi exchange rate to Naira breakdown
Ghana cedi GHS to Naira | Naira |
1 Ghana cedi GHS | ₦70:00 |
5 Ghana cedi GHS | ₦350:00 |
10 Ghana cedi GHS | ₦700:00 |
20 Ghana cedi GHS | ₦1,400:00 |
50 Ghana cedi GHS | ₦3,500:00 |
100 Ghana cedi GHS | ₦7,000:00 |
200 Ghana cedi GHS | ₦14,000:00 |
500 Ghana cedi GHS | ₦35,000:00 |
1000 Ghana cedi GHS | ₦70,000:00 |
2000 Ghana cedi GHS | ₦140,000:00 |
5000 Ghana cedi GHS | ₦350,000:00 |
Due to how the exchange rate changes, it is important for you to stay updated on the exchange rate of Ghana Cedi to Naira as it will help you especially when you have intentions of traveling to Ghana.
Naira to Cedi Currency
Amount in Naira | Black Market Rate in Ghanaian Cedi (GHS) |
1 Naira to Cedi | 0.013 |
5 Naira to Cedi | 0.063 |
10 Naira to Cedi | 0.125 |
20 Naira to Cedi | 0.250 |
50 Naira to Cedi | 0.625 |
100 Naira to Cedi | 1.250 |
200 Naira to Cedi | 2.500 |
300 Naira to Cedi | 3.750 |
400 Naira to Cedi | 5.000 |
500 Naira to Cedi | 6.250 |
600 Naira to Cedi | 7.500 |
800 Naira to Cedi | 10.000 |
1000 Naira to Cedi | 12.500 |
5000 Naira to Cedi | 62.500 |
10000 Naira to Cedi | 125.000 |
It is also important to note that purchasing your Ghana Cedi at the Black Market is quite higher than the official Government rate due to the fact that it is not regulated by the Government. When trying to exchange your Cedi for Naira or vice versa, you have to be very careful as we have several people even in the black market who could scam you.
Do well to know the source you are going to make a purchase or buy Ghana Cedi. Even if you intend to buy or purchase online, be careful and make sure you know the source is making payment to buy the Ghana Cedi.
Tips for Exchanging Ghana Cedi for Naira on the Black Market
Here are tips you can easily follow in order to comfortably exchange your Ghana Cedi for Naira.
- The first things you need to look out for are those who usually make the exchange and do well to only exchange the Ghana Cedi with reputable dealers.
- When you might have found a reputable dealer as you have heard from any source, do well to ask for a written receipt for the exchange.
- Be updated with the current Ghana Cedi to Naira Black market rate before you exchange your currency.
- Try not to exchange a large amount of Cedi currency at once.
Factors that Affect the Ghana Cedi to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate
We have different factors that could affect the Ghana Cedi Black market Exchange rate and some of those factors include the following;
Supply and demand for the Cedi: If the demand for Ghana Cedi from Nigeria is high, the exchange rate will favor Ghana Cedi because the high demand for it means the currency is being valued in another country, and by so doing Naira will lose its value.
The Political and Economic Situation in Ghana and Nigeria: If the economic situation in Nigeria is bad and they are importing most of their product from Ghana, this will automatically make the Ghana Cedi valuable, and by so doing the exchange rate will favor Ghana Cedi making Naira value low.
If the Government constantly relies on Ghana for one thing or the other that is considered very important to the country, it will only help Ghana Cedi rise by far much more than the Country’s currency.
The Value of Dollar: The dollar rising can also mean the Ghana Cedi will automatically rise. If the exchange rate of the dollar in Nigeria is low in the black market, they will be willing to also reduce the exchange rate of Ghana Cedi.
To Sum Up
If you are interested in knowing the current exchange rate for Ghana Cedi to Naira, Well, the current exchange rate has actually reduced from N78 to N70. If you wish to know more about this, you can simply check our page above and get all the information you may need. If you have any difficulties, do well to DROP A COMMENT and we will reply.
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