How to Tell Someone They Didn’t Get the Job in 2024

How to Tell Someone They Didn’t Get the Job  

It can be quite difficult to tell an applicant that your company cannot hire them for the job they applied for and probably undergo an interview. It is a regular and repeated situation most employers will face, especially after they have found their choice of candidates for the position. If you are an employer, read these useful tips to know How to Tell Someone They Didn’t Get the Job in 2024.

Being professional and tactful while informing someone they didn’t get the job is important for a smooth and positive recruitment process. There is a way you can reject an applicant and he/she will still be interested in applying for future positions.

This will keep the company’s reputation and interest. Read these polite tips on How to Tell Someone They Didn’t Get the Job if you are an employer or a prospective recruitment manager.

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Why is it important to tell someone they didn’t get the job?

As a recruitment manager of a brand, it is necessary to know How to Tell Someone They Didn’t get the Job in a professional and friendly way. Imagine candidates participating in your recruitment exercise but receive a negative reply.

By this, you are creating the wrong sentiment and a poor reputation for your company. The ability to maintain relationships with candidates that have not been recruited can retain them for future job openings. And it will also create a positive long-lasting impression on your company.

Telling someone they didn’t fit the job is sometimes hard, especially when that person is fit for the position. But on the other hand, it is good as it shows that you respect their time and efforts and also allows them to apply for other opportunities available outside.

Instead of keeping them hoping they have the job, why not send them a rejection letter at once to prove you value their time?

A well-written rejection letter can leave a good impression on the candidate, wanting to work with you in anywhere or seek for another position is the next job openings.

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How to Politely Tell Someone They Didn’t Get the Job

You can inform someone that they didn’t get the job in many polite ways, but there are a few things to keep in mind when you send a rejection letter.

How to Tell Someone They Didn't Get the Job

Be quick: As soon as you finish interviewing your applicants, endeavor to send a notification letter, telling them whether they have gotten the job or not. This will help them continue their job hunt and also give a positive impression of your company.

 Be human: Avoid sending a letter that appears as if a robot wrote it; instead, make it empathic and human. Respond to warmth and kindness in your words and tone.

Personalize your response: we can generate Certain elements of rejection scripts or letters for multiple candidates, but it’s always advised to include their name and reference the specific position they applied for. 

Thank them: The process of creating a resume and cover letter is time consuming. Appreciate the applicant for their interest in your company and for the effort they invested in their application.

Get to the point: Always go straight to the point when sendig your response. Your candidate is probably eager to know the outcome of their application, whether it’s a positive or negative response.

Let them know that other qualified applicants have applied: Telling the applicant that other applicants were not selected for the position can offer relief to your candidate. You might start by expressing how impressed yur are towards the candidates’ qualifications or their passion for the role, and the competition was exceptionally fierce.

Offer an explanation: The extent of the explanation always depends how qualified the applicant is. If they didn’t past the resume screening, it’s acceptable to keep your feedback relatively concise.

However, if they progressed to an advanced stage, especially if you conducted an interview, it’s important to take a moment to explain the reasons for their unsuccessful outcome.

Provide feedback: This situation typically pertains to candidates who progressed significantly in the selection process and are now wondering the areas where they may have fallen short. 

It’s essential to deliver feedback with kindness and consideration at this juncture. This isn’t the moment for harsh or critical words. Instead, offering constructive advice can greatly assist them in achieving success in their future applications.

Keep it brief: When giving an explanation and feedback, stop going into excessive detail. Keep your response brief and to the point.

Invite them to apply again: If after interview you found an applicant with great potential, encourage such applicant to send in their application again for future job vacancies. Invite them to join your mailing list or to connect with you on social media.

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Templates for how to tell someone they didn’t get the job

Once you know How to Tell Someone They Didn’t Get the Job, the next thing to do is to consider how you want to present it.

The format of your choice should depend on your communication mode. The following are templates you can use to tell someone they didn’t get the job:

  • By Email
  • By phone call or message


By Email:

You can send a rejection letter to your candidate using email. Below is an example for this message you can follow:

Dear {Candidate’s Name},

We want to express our gratitude for your application for the {details} position at {company}. We sincerely appreciate the effort you put into preparing your application.

Regrettably, we have decided not to proceed with your application at this moment.

We extend our best wishes for your future endeavors.

Warm regards,


{Company Name}


By Phone Call or Message

Hello {Candidate Name}, this is {Your Name} from {Company}. How are you?

I will like to express our gratitude for your visit and discussion with us regarding the {Position} on {Interview Date}. It was a pleasure meeting you, and we were truly impressed by your {highlighted positive attribute or achievement from their resume or interview}.

However, after careful consideration, we have chosen to proceed with another candidate on this occasion due to {Reason for Rejection}. The competition for this role was fierce, and we value the effort and dedication you demonstrated throughout the application process.

Thank you once again, and we wish you every success in your future endeavors.

Best regards,

{Your Name}


However, we hope this content helps. Bookmark this page or comment using the comment box if you have any questions regarding How to Tell Someone They Didn’t Get the Job. You are welcome to share this with your friends and consider joining our Telegram community. By doing so, you can access a wealth of useful information and stay up-to-date with our daily updates on recruitment news.


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  • Michael

    This post is authored by Michael Offiong, an Editor of Recruitment Portfolio. Boasting over a decade of expertise in the recruitment sector, Michael provides up-to-date information on jobs and recruitment topics, career opportunities, and breaking news stories.

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