Ten (10) Warning Signs That It’s Time to Quit Your Job

Ten (10) Warning Signs That It’s Time to Quit Your Job

Warning Signs That It’s Time to Quit Your Job: A job is meant to keep one afloat financially and also increase one’s skills and values in the industry. But one can make one decide to quit. Or what are the factors or signs that when one sees, they should consider quitting?

Imagine having a good-paying job and you have no choice but to quit. Don’t wait till you get to that stage, there are certain signs that once you see and you know it’s time to submit your resignation.

Ten (10) Warning Signs That It’s Time to Quit Your Job

  1. No freedom to grow.
  2. Your Health has deteriorated.
  3. Limiting learning opportunities.
  4. Depression
  5. No Passion
  6. Bad Leadership
  7. Hatred for the work.
  8. No work-life balance
  9. Feeling under-valued
  10. Comprised Ethics.

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No freedom to grow

If where you work does not allow you to grow, express your ideas, or be creative, then probably you should consider quitting. For a working environment to be considered conducive, it has to be flexible enough for the employees to express themselves, try out new and fresh methods, and be productive. A work environment that limits its workers so much should not be a place that one should consider working in. However, if you are already working there it’s time to quit.

Your Health has deteriorated.

It is he who lives today that gets to fight another day. Once you notice that the work you do affects is beginning to affect your mental or physical health then it’s time to quit. How do you know that your physical or mental health is being affected? These are the signs to know that you are being affected mentally and physically:

  • Insomnia
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Mood swings
  • Lack of concentration
  • Loss of interest in activities you usually love doing.


Limiting learning opportunities.

Every Company should aim to add value to their employees. If you work in a place where you are not allowed to learn or ask questions or perhaps only a select group of people are being favoured with quality information then you should definitely quit.

Information is power and is definitely what you know that will guarantee your promotion in the company or in life generally. Any company you work for should either organize training for its workers or pay for them to be trained professionally. If they are not doing any of the aforementioned, then it’s time to sign out.


Once you begin to notice that you are about to fall into serious depression or you feel like you are already depressed, then you should consider resigning from your job. Some do not know that they are getting depressed, thus, whenever you experience any of these signs then it’s time to quit:

  • Constant fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Sleep problems
  • Lack of motivation
  • Change in appetite
  • Severe weight loss.
  • Frequent crying.
  • Hopelessness.
  • Aggression.
  • Self-loath feeling.
  • Recklessness.
  • Substance abuse.

No Passion

There is a difference between having no passion at all and being drained of it. No matter the category you find yourself in, it is enough reason to quit. If you have no passion at all for the job, then you should not even consider taking the job offer. There are however unavoidable situations when one has to take the job for financial reasons. Nevertheless, if you know you have no passion for the job you are doing, then you should consider quitting.

On the other hand, if you had passion when you started the job but due to difficult problems in the company or inconducive work environment, you have lost your passion, then you should consider quitting so that you don’t lose yourself. These are signs that you are losing passion for your work:

  • No enthusiasm
  • No improvement
  • No progress.
  • No excitement

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Bad Leadership

There’s nothing that affects so much in a company as bad leadership. Where the leaders are unnecessarily difficult, unappreciative or play favouritism then maybe you should consider working somewhere else. Also, when the leaders focus on the wrong things and try to make things difficult for everyone, then it is time to quit.

Hatred for the work.

If you hate the work you do, you will never be productive nor will you improve. You must not totally love your work though that is preferable, you should have some level of likeness for your job. If perhaps you had once liked/loved the job but now you intensely hate it, then quit. Some factors may have caused your change of heart. Nevertheless, when it happens, submit your resignation letter.

No work-life balance

The importance of work-life balance cannot be overstressed. Your work should definitely allow you to be available to perform other life functions. If your work takes so much of your time to the extent that you can’t perform other life functions, then maybe you should quit. For instance, if as a husband, you are constantly not available for your wife and children, then you should quit. The consequence will be that you become strangers to your wife and children, which can easily be avoided when you quit.

Feeling under-valued

Your job should not have a dire effect on your self-esteem. It should not make you question yourself or your abilities. Any job that always undermines your suggestions and your work should be let go. If perhaps, you are always been looked down on because of your gender, tribe or race then it is time to say goodbye.

Comprised Ethics

Any company that demands you compromise on your beliefs and/or values, it’s not an advisable place to work. For instance, if you are strict on honest dealings and your company is asking you to be shady, then it is definitely time to quit.

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  • Chinaza

    This post is originally written by Chinaza C. Ifeanyichukwu, a Professional blog writer and Editor. She boasts of over a decade of expertise in the recruitment sector, Chinaza provides up-to-date information on jobs and recruitment topics, career opportunities, and breaking news. Ensure you visit the website constantly so as not to miss any new updates!!

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