How to follow up on a Job Application in 2024

How to follow up on a Job Application in 2024

How to follow up on a Job Application in 2024: The process of job application can be frustrating, making you feel this anxiety in you that you could be picked for the job you are currently applying for. But job application does not just end there, you still have a lot to do like following up on the job application so as to get feedback from the hiring manager.

How to follow up on a Job Application
How to follow up on a Job Application

Following up on a job application is not as stressful as looking for the job itself. you just have to know the processes of following up or the procedure you can use to follow up on the job application without making you so anxious or desperate to get the job and not making the hiring manager feel you are pushing him too hard or even pestering him too much.

It is how you follow up on the job that will make the hiring manager see your zeal and how much you don’t just need the job for the money but also to impact what you have learned to the company.

There are different ways and procedures you can use to follow up on a job application. If you do not know those ways to follow up on a job application, then this page is for you.

In this article, I will share information and insights on How to follow up on a Job Application in 2023 but before I give out that information, let me first answer some questions. Do well to stay on the page to get interesting and factual information.

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When you need to Follow up on a Job Application

As an applicant seeking a job, when done with figuring out companies that need workers, you then go for the scheduled interview but after the interview what next? Have you ever thought about that?

Some people believe they just wait but you don’t just wait for them to call you, it might seem like you are reluctant about the job or you may have seen another job. The next thing you need to do is to accurately follow up on that job.

Following up on a job does not make it look like you are desperate for the job, it only depends on how you follow up on the job.

We have cases where some hiring managers keep a longer hiring process especially if it is for a highly competitive position. It is only advisable for you to keep at least two weeks to wait and after that two weeks, start following up on the job application.

The two weeks you have given might have been enough time for the hiring manager to review all the applicants who might have submitted applications.

There are also cases where deadlines are given, wait until the deadline before making your move. after the deadline, if you do not get any message, do well to follow up on the job application to hear what the hiring manager will say.

But in every job application, do well to give a space of two weeks before you think of following up on the job application.

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How to Follow Up on a Job Application

They are easy ways to successfully follow up on a job application and those ways include;

Do well to wait for two weeks

After submitting your application and going for your interview, we have hiring managers who need time to review the application and make the choice, the two weeks being given will help them make the choice they need. but if after two weeks, you don’t get any feedback, it is at this point that you then need to follow up on the application.

Be sure to be brief and clear

When you are done waiting, do well to follow up by communicating with your potential employer. Make sure that the communication is not lengthy but short and concise. Even if you are sending a message to them you need to make sure that the message I something they can easily glance through and read.

Do well to make a conformation of your interest

When following up with your job application, you need to send a sort and concise message to your potential Employer and that message should be like a confirmation of your interest in the job. you can start by reminding him about your current application to the company and that you still have a strong interest in doing the job.

Do your best to Reiterat your best qualifications so far

When you are done with confirming how interested you are in the job, you then go on to tell him about your qualifications and experience in your former job, and how good you are in the job. Make sure you focus on your best skills and most especially your experience so far as this will help you position yourself as the best candidate for the position.

Finally, you express your gratitude

At the end of your follow-up, you need to thank the hiring manager for giving you the opportunity to talk. even if it is a message you sent to him or her, you still need to say thank you to him or her for creating time to read your message. Do well not to forget to drop your contact at the end so that if the hiring manager is really interested in what you can offer, he or she can communicate with you.


When doing your follow up there are 3 things you need to do. you can send your hiring manager a message either on;

  • Send on Email
  • Message your hiring Manager on Linkedin
  • You can make a phone call to your Hiring manager

In doing all of these, you need to try as much as you can not to disturb him or her or make him or her feel like you are desperate about getting the job. Do well to keep the message short and straight to the point.

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Final Thought on How to follow up on a Job Application

As an applicant, when done with submitting your application, you still need to follow up on the job application to show your zeal for the job. do well not to make the hiring manager feel you are desperate about getting the job. You can simply follow our guide on how to follow up on a job application. If you have any complaints, do well to DROP A COMMENT and we will reply.

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  • Dora

    This post is authored by Dora Edet, an Editor of Recruitment Portfolio. Boasting over a decade of expertise in the recruitment sector, Dora provides up-to-date information on jobs and recruitment topics, career opportunities, and breaking news stories.

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