How to get a Job in Nigeria without a Connection 

How to get a Job in Nigeria without a Connection

How to get a Job in Nigeria without a Connection: In present Nigeria, people especially the youths who do not have anyone to look up to when done with school find it very difficult to find a job for themselves. Due to how underdeveloped the country is, getting an appropriate and good-paying job for graduates is very difficult.

How to get a Job in Nigeria without a Connection
How to get a Job in Nigeria without a Connection

You will see graduates who had passed through the four walls of a university coming out on the street with their files to look for a job to use to fend for themselves or even their families. Most of them end up settling for just any job so far they are being paid and they have little money coming in their pocket each month which is very wrong.

The fact that you are being frustrated due to the search for a job does not mean you should settle for a job that would end up frustrating you. They are easy ways you can get a job even without getting a connection, if you really want to know more about these, kindly stay on the page to get more information.

In this article, I will share insights and information on How to get a Job in Nigeria without a Connection. Feel free to subscribe to this page and get more insight that interests you.

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How to get a Job in Nigeria without a Connection

With how the economy of present Nigeria is, it is very difficult for a graduate to get a good paying job not to talk of feeding himself. They go out wearing suits and ties to the street every day seeking help, going from one company to another looking for jobs they could do to support themselves and their families.

Some go as far as staying on the street or squatting with people in a particular state just to check if the state will favor them with a good-paying job. In the end, when they can take it anymore, they sell on the street or settle for just any job just so they can have what to use and feed themselves and their family.

This single act is wrong, The fact that you get frustrated in job haunting does not mean you should just settle for anything, there are things you can do as a graduate that could help attract potential Employers.

In the present Nigeria, so many people believe that if you do not have a connection, the is no how you can get a good-paying job. This is very wrong!

There are some ways and some things you can do that could land you a type of job you did not expect. You just need to stay on this page to get more information about it.

Things you can do to get a job without a connection include;

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Build yourself

The world has changed from” Show me your certificates” to “What skill do you have or what can you do“. As an applicant looking for a job, you need to be versatile in different aspects. Don’t focus on just the certificate you might have gotten from the university, put your hands to good use, and learn a skill as many as you can, you won’t die if you learn all the skills but you will be someone everyone will need in his or her company. so do well to take time to develop yourself, and work on what you can bring to a company you wish to apply to.

Learn Etiquette in whatever you do

In today’s world, some hiring managers do not just look at how a person dresses when they come for an interview, they look forward to your manner while responding to them, the way you sound, and how you interact with people who are actually older than you.

That is why a majority of companies now look out to test their employees on how well they are. If you are a mannerless person or you do not have the energy to tolerate customer drama, no company would employ you because lots of companies need a very friendly person so as not to get bad reviews from their customers.

Take time and search early

It is important to note that the best time to look for a job is when you are rounding up with school activities, when you are in your final year, use that time and search for a job not when you have finished or back from service. It is wrong!

When you are servicing, you can work with any company, talk to them about what you have noticed that is done wrongly, and correct it, you can even lay out marking strategies that can help them grow if you were a marketing student or you have an idea about marketing.

With this, they will see how good you are and quickly want you to stay back and work with them in the company.

Know how to create a good CV

Your CV tells a lot about you and what you have been able to achieve. Your CV has to make your potential employer aware that you are serious about what you need, if your CV is tacky and rough, they would believe that you are a novice in the job area without any experience.

Experience is everything, all companies are looking for who can help their company improve not reduce. So make sure your CV says a lot of good things about you.

Take Relationship serious

Make sure to take any relationship with anyone seriously, give in that respect, and be good to the person as this will help you build the connection you need. Be good to everyone you come across, if you are currently working for someone, be good to him as this will help you even in the next job you wish to apply to.

Send in applications to jobs you are not qualified

If you need a job this is also what you can do, you know you have an interest in that job, and you have experience in it, so why not send in your application, whether you will be picked or not just have a positive mindset about any job you are for. As many jobs as you see, just keep sending in your application as you never know which one will click in for you.

Do well to be prepared for the Interview

Anytime you send in an application, add in your contact and be prepared for just any interview that comes up.

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Final Thought on How to Get a Job in Nigeria without a Connection

As an applicant looking for a job without any connection, there are several things you first need to do while sending in your applications to the various companies that need people. Check out how you can get a good job in Nigeria without a connection. If you have any complaints, do well to DROP A COMMENT and we will reply.

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  • Dora

    This post is authored by Dora Edet, an Editor of Recruitment Portfolio. Boasting over a decade of expertise in the recruitment sector, Dora provides up-to-date information on jobs and recruitment topics, career opportunities, and breaking news stories.

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