Governors Salary and Allowances Structure in Nigeria 2024

Governors Salary and Allowances Structure in Nigeria

A Governor is a number one person and the chief security officer of a State. Their role is to govern a town, State, or region. Many have been wondering about the pay Governors are collecting, this article will reveal the Governors salary and allowances structure in Nigeria in 2024.

If you have been eager to know the money allotted to these high government officials, this article is for you. 

We have discussed the Governors’ salary and allowances structure in Nigeria including Deputy Governors, the Chairmen of Local Governments, and the Secretaries to the State Governments. Read through this article!

Governor’s Salary and Allowances

The total annual salary for State Governors in Nigeria for 2023 is ₦11,540,896, the annual base salary ₦2,223,705, and the annual leave allowance is ₦222,370.50. It is an entitlement for every State Governor to a loan for vehicles and maintenance which is equal to 400 percent of his yearly basic pay, or ₦8,894,820.00, based on the 2009 approved earnings.

The State Government also compensates the Governor with some packages which include housing and furniture allowances, in addition to the base pay and vehicle allowance.

The welfare program called Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Package (RMAFP) has the details about the expenditures made by the country’s Governors.

However, there is another allowance received by governors in Nigeria, it is called the estacode allowance and duty tour allowance. The estacode allowance is paid in foreign currency when the governor embarks on international trips. While the duty tour allowance is paid in Nigerian currency when they embark on a local trip. 

The Governor’s medical costs are also paid by the State Government. It is estimated that a Governor earns a ₦6,671,115 severance payment after serving his term in office.


Summary of Governors Salary and Allowances

The summary of State Governors salary and allowances are given below in the list:

  • Total salary: ₦11,540,896
  • Basic salary: ₦2,223,705
  • Leave allowance: ₦222,370.50
  • Vehicle loan: 400% of annual basic salary
  • End of tenure gratuity: ₦6,671,115.


How Do I Become A Governor?

If you are an aspiring governor of a State in Nigeria, it is necessary to know the criteria that will qualify you to run for office. Read this piece carefully, we have given the general requirement for one to be fit for running for the office of the executive governor of a State in Nigeria. 

According to the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended in Section 176 and Section 177. The criteria are:

  • He is a Nigerian citizen by birth;
  • He has reached at least thirty-five years;
  • He belongs to or is a member of a political party and is funded by that political party; and
  • He has completed education at least a School Certificate level or its equivalent.


What Is the Work of a Governor?

The governor of a state is the first man in command and is responsible for executing the laws of the State and the nation and protecting life and property. According to the Nigerian constitution, a state governor is obligated with the duty of executing state laws and has the power of appointing state executive, diplomatic, regulatory, and judicial officers.

The roles of a governor are stated below:

  • serves as the head of the executive branch of his state’s government.
  • Execute the authority of the state affairs
  • Ensure the security and welfare of the people (citizens)
  • Endorse legislation to the General Assembly
  • Grant pardons, amnesties, and commutations
  • He is the state’s commander-in-chief of armed forces


Deputy Governors Salary Structure and Allowances In Nigeria

The Deputy Governor’s salary is less a bit compared to that of a Governor. In 2024, analysis has shown that the Deputy Governor in Nigeria is paid ₦10,772,296 annually. This suggests that their base pay is ₦2,112,215. The Deputy Governor is also entitled to get an ₦8,448,860 automobile loan. Additionally, he or she receives an annual leave allowance of ₦211,221.50.

The State Government is also responsible for the Deputy Governor’s housing and furnishings allowance, medical expenses, and traveling expenses both in the nation and abroad.


Governors Salary and Allowances Structure in Nigeria 2023

Secretaries and Commissioners Salary Structure In Nigeria

The Secretary to the State Government and Commissioner’s annual basic salary is ₦1,337,225, and their total compensation is ₦10,831,522.

Their entitlement for furniture and leave allowance is ₦4,011,675. They have ₦5,348,900 in vehicle loans and ₦4,011,675 severance payments are also given to the Secretary to the State Government and Commissioner.

Their total cost of international travel is limited, unlike Governors and Deputy Governors. The limit on local trips is ₦25,000, while that for foreign trips is fixed at $600.

The compensation structure for the State Judicial Service Commission, Chairmen of the State Independent Electoral Commission, State Civil Service Commission, Local Government Service Commission, and Chief of Staff to the Governor all are within the same range.


Local Government Chairman Salary Structure

The Local Government Chairmen received a total yearly allowance of ₦5,994,659, which includes;

  • Basic payment of ₦908,312
  • Furniture allowance of ₦1,362,468 (every four years)
  • Vehicle loan of ₦3,633,248
  • Leave allowance of ₦N90,831.20 
  • severance payment of ₦2,724,936 (at the end of their four-year term).

Also, A base salary of ₦853,056 is included in the estimated pay of ₦5,630,169.60 for the Deputy Local Government Chairman and a leave allowance of ₦85,305.60. the Deputy Local Government Chairman also receives a furniture allowance of ₦1,279,584 and a vehicle loan of ₦3,412,224. 

At the end of the term, he or she will receive a separate payment of  ₦2,559,168.00 as severance pay.



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Nigeria President Salary Breakdown 

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Local Government Councilors and Secretaries Salary Structures In Nigeria 2024

The following is the local government Councilors and Secretaries’ salary structure in Nigeria for 2024;

  • Total salary: ₦5,341,380
  • Basic salary: ₦809,300
  • Furniture allowance: ₦1,213,950
  • Leave allowance: ₦80,930
  • Vehicle loan: ₦3,237,200
  • End of tenure gratuity: ₦2, 427, 900.

The above is the governor salary and allowances structure in Nigeria, we believe this article helps clear your curiosity. Please get back to us by using the comment section to share your thoughts about this content.

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  • Michael

    This post is authored by Michael Offiong, an Editor of Recruitment Portfolio. Boasting over a decade of expertise in the recruitment sector, Michael provides up-to-date information on jobs and recruitment topics, career opportunities, and breaking news stories.

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