What Government Job Can a Felon Get in 2024?

What Government Job Can a Felon Get in 2024?

Are you wondering What Government Job can a Felon Get in 2024? If yes, we’ve carefully highlighted in this article a list of government and private jobs Felons can do and tips on how to get the work and salary structure for each job position.

Before I start, note that felons are typically excluded from government jobs that involve firearms or require security clearance, as they are prohibited from handling or working with firearms and ammunition.

For instance, the government employs a wide range of roles, including drivers, warehouse workers, clerks, administrative assistants, and maintenance technicians, with felons often filling these positions. However, some felons, such as those involved in treason, are prohibited from working for the federal government or have specific waiting periods.

In addition, the government requires felons to undergo a suitability check, assessing their recent conduct, rehabilitation progress, and whether their convictions conflict with the job they are applying for.

Prior to this, millions of Americans and even Nigerians with felony convictions faced significant challenges in securing employment, with opportunities often appearing scarce.

Finding felony-friendly jobs is possible, with many ex-convicts receiving second chances. However, it’s crucial to remember that your experience is common and that not persisting can lead to severe consequences.

In this article, you’ll find out those jobs from the government and private sectors that Felons can get in 2024.

But before that, let’s respond to some of the questions we received from our users.

What is felony in Nigeria?

A felony is a law-defined offense punishable by death or imprisonment for three years or more without proof of a previous conviction.

What is the least felony?

Class E felonies carry 1–5 years in jail, while Class A misdemeanors carry up to one year, with Class E felonies being the least serious.

What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor in Nigeria?

Misdemeanors are lower-level offenses punishable by fines, forfeiture, or imprisonment, with convictions lasting over 6 months but below 3 years.

Check This Out: Jobs You Can Get With a Criminal Justice Degree

Is stealing a felony or misdemeanor in Nigeria?

Nigerian criminal statutes establish theft as a felony, punishable by three years imprisonment if no other punishment is provided.

What is classified as a felony?

Felonies are crimes involving physical violence or extreme psychological harm, such as manslaughter, murder, aggravated assault, kidnapping, and more.

For more questions and answers, kindly check out the frequently asked questions in the later part of this article.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that despite a decrease in the U.S. imprisonment rate, over 1.4 million people remain incarcerated. A 2018 report revealed that two-thirds of released ex-offenders end up arrested within three years. However, successful integration into society is more likely for former federal prisoners.

Finding reliable employment is crucial for felons to avoid returning to prison. They find any legitimate job better than turning to crime. Despite the unfair job-search process, persistent individuals find new hope and optimism. Although not well advertised, jobs hiring felons can be found if they make extra effort.

Top 30 Jobs You can get as a Felon in 2024.

The following is a list of government and private jobs Felons can get in 2024, including their monthly salaries.

1. Mobile App Developer

CNN Money has ranked this occupation as the best job in America, offering high-paying opportunities for felons seeking a fresh start. The technology sector is filled with open-minded employers, and demand is high for mobile application developers. With a median hourly wage of $52.41, this job is particularly appealing for those with the necessary skills.

2. Sales Representative for Wholesale Products

Manufacturers and wholesale distributors require hard-working sales reps capable of promoting products and closing deals. Felons with travel and phone skills may find this career appealing. Online courses can teach selling skills. However, some sales jobs are only available to convicts without felonies. The median hourly wage is $30.24.

3. Web Designer or Developer

Individuals with felonies can potentially self-employed in web development, designing and coding websites for various clients at home. This freelance work eliminates the need for pre-employment background checks and offers a median hourly wage of $37.65.

4. Film or Video Editor

This occupation is highly engaging for felons, requiring creativity and technical skills. It can be learned through art schools or career colleges. Opportunities are growing as companies use professional online videos for marketing. Freelance work is available, avoiding background checks. The median hourly wage is $29.02.

5. Writer

A high-paying job for felons can be done from home, providing quality writing for various businesses and organizations. While some companies hire in-house writers, many successful writers are self-employed, eliminating the need for background checks. The median hourly wage is $33.42.

6. Marketing Manager

Different perspectives in business lead to effective marketing strategies, which are essential for organizations of all types. Second-chance jobs in internet marketing are available for felons, offering opportunities to refine creative and analytical thinking abilities. The median hourly wage is $64.12.

7. Computer Network Systems Administrator

IT offers promising jobs for convicted felons with no history of fraud, theft, violence, or computer-related crimes. Those with computer experience or an interest in learning may consider this path.

Companies require fast, secure, and reliable in-house networks and stable internet connectivity. Proper skills and credentials enable testing, analysis, and troubleshooting of computer networks, minimizing offline times. The median hourly wage is $38.75.

8. Mechanical Engineering Technician

Ex-felons often find suitable jobs in mechanical engineering technology, where they can learn mechanical skills while serving their sentences. Post-release, they can assist engineers in developing, modifying, and testing various mechanical equipment and machinery.

9. Electrician

Electrician training programs provide secure, well-paying jobs for ex-cons, but licensing requirements may vary. Journeyman electricians require additional training, but most are paid. Electrical contracting companies may hire felons, as some are owned by ex-convicts. The median hourly wage is $28.87.

10. Plumber

The plumbing industry offers potential for felons to work, but it’s crucial to check your state’s licensing requirements to avoid disqualification. Some states may ban individuals with violent, theft, or sexual offenses from entering the trade. However, some contractors may hire ex-cons if they are committed to learning and loyalty.

11. Wind Turbine Technician

Fear of heights may not prevent you from pursuing a career in wind turbine repair and maintenance, if you’re one of them. Electric power utilities and wind turbine manufacturers may not be the top companies hiring felons, but they may be worth contacting for training opportunities.

The wind energy industry in America is expected to grow by 44% from 2021 to 2031, prompting employers to consider hiring non-violent felonies to meet their demand for new technicians, with a median hourly wage of $27.05.

12. Commercial Diver

Convicted felons can pursue careers in underwater engineering, working on structures like bridge supports or offshore seawater intakes. Employment opportunities depend on their conviction and prison sentence, with a median hourly wage of $32.84.

13. Oil and Gas Rotary Drill Operator

Rotary drill operators, like derrick operators, have labor-intensive jobs in remote regions. Felons can find opportunities to set up and control large drills, removing oil, gas, or core samples from deep underground, with a median hourly wage of $26.57**.

14. Graphic Designer

Many ex-cons possess artistic abilities, which can be transformed into a lucrative career in graphic design. This field is used by organizations for marketing their products or services, and designers can create graphics for print, online, and multimedia projects. This career is self-employed, offering a median hourly wage of $24.38.

15. HVAC/R Technician

Heating, air conditioning, and ventilation are crucial for indoor health and comfort, making climate-control systems essential in American buildings. Commercial refrigeration systems are crucial for maintaining perishable products. Ex-convicts may find jobs in HVAC/R tech, but licensing may depend on a felony conviction. Training is short and widely available at vocational schools, with a median hourly wage of $23.38.

16. Carpenter

The carpentry trade offers opportunities for ex-offenders, with journeyman carpenters becoming a viable career with proper vocational training. Researching state licensing requirements is crucial to avoid issues. Ex-cons who have built successful businesses in the trade often hire convicted felons, offering a median hourly wage of $23.20.

17. Oil and Gas Derrick Operator

Clean energy technologies are expected to dominate power sources in the future, but oil and gas still supply most of America’s energy. Ex-cons can find good jobs in the industry, as they are often the hardest workers, with a median hourly wage of $24.62.

18. Substance Abuse Counselor

Ex-cons and former addicts often have valuable insights to share with others seeking help in making better life choices. Social agencies often hire convicted felons who have experienced behavioral or substance abuse issues, providing empathy for addiction challenges. The median hourly wage is $23.33.

19. Commercial Truck Driver

Commercial trucking jobs for felons are often available during periods of economic growth and require a commercial driver’s license (CDL). A commercial truck driving school can help prepare. Smaller transportation companies may be easier to find, as they may not conduct background checks or screen qualified ex-cons. Long-haul trucking jobs are not typically available for parolees due to restrictions on out-of-state travel.

20. Solar Energy Technician

Solar energy, like wind energy, presents second-chance jobs for convicted felons due to decreasing prices and increasing demand. Skilled technicians install solar panels on rooftops or other effective locations, with a median hourly wage of $22.92.

21. Welder

The welding trade, like carpentry, provides employment opportunities for convicted felons, with welders needed in construction and manufacturing, with training typically taking less than a year.

22. Auto Mechanic

Starting a career in the auto service industry requires a year or less of training at an automotive trade school. This career can also be beneficial for those with heavy-duty vehicles. The median hourly wage is $22.54, depending on the reason for the criminal record and personal growth since serving.

23. Painter

Paint is essential for building walls, large equipment, and other structures, making it a lucrative job for convicted felons who can demonstrate trustworthiness and learn quickly, with a median hourly wage of $21.92.

24. Construction Laborer

Lower-skilled construction jobs are suitable for ex-cons who may not pass strict background checks. Basic laborer jobs don’t require a vocational license, so employers may overlook convictions if they believe the worker will work hard and avoid problems. Roles include digging trenches, cleaning sites, erecting scaffolding, and using basic tools. The median hourly wage is $18.04.

25. Helper to Extraction Workers

Mechanical skills aren’t required for the oil, gas, or mining industries. Instead, you can assist skilled workers by cleaning work sites, carrying equipment, and performing random tasks. The median hourly wage is $20.73.

26. Auto Glass Installer or Repairer

The demand for auto glass services is strong, with most vehicle owners needing windshield repairs or replacements. An auto body program at a trade school can help students learn the required skills, qualifying them for additional industry positions. The median hourly wage is $18.23.

27. Delivery Driver

Good driving skills can be valuable in the job market, as long as you don’t commit theft or traffic infractions. The median hourly wage is $17.62.

28. Shipping and Receiving Clerk

Large warehouses and big-box stores require clerks to handle incoming and outgoing merchandise, verify records, double-check deliveries, and arrange shipments. Ex-offenders with trustworthiness are ideal for this job, with a median hourly wage of $17.74.

29. Helper to Construction Tradespeople

A felon can work as a helper in various construction trades, such as carpenters, electricians, roofers, and stonemasons. They perform basic tasks like carrying materials, holding tools, cleaning equipment, and helping with projects. Being a helper can provide an introduction to a specific trade, potentially influencing further career choices.

30. Barber

Having skills in cutting, styling, shaves, and trimming beards is beneficial. Offering mobile barbering services can make it more convenient for clients. However, it’s crucial to check if you qualify for a barbering license in your state, as certain felonies may disqualify you. The median hourly wage is $14.27.

Getting a Government Job With a Felony

The answer is CAPITAL LETTER YES. Government jobs can be secured with a felony record, but not automatically. The selection process depends on the job, the convicted offense, the duration of the offense, and the applicant’s reintegration into society.

The government considers all applicants with felony convictions on a case-by-case basis, with only rare offenses like treason, government overthrow, or rebellion inciting rebellion being automatically rejected.

Job Programs for Felons

To find stable employment for felons, consider exploring public or charitable programs in your region. These organizations often provide support for ex-offenders in their career searches. Seeking assistance is not wrong, as successful ex-cons in America have successfully found fresh starts through such efforts.

Large U.S. communities often have programs supporting felons in finding jobs, often run by faith-based, social service, non-profit, or government agencies. The Second Chance Act (SCA) provides federal grant money for these programs, enabling ex-offenders to find jobs, housing, and re-enter society. Contact local organizations for support.

The CTA Second Chance Program in Chicago, a partnership between social service agencies and the City of Chicago, provides full-time work and apprenticeship opportunities for convicted felons to work on buses or rail cars for the Chicago Transit Authority, employing up to 315 individuals annually.

Furthermore, cities are offering litter-removal jobs to homeless individuals, including those with criminal records or felonies. ort Worth, Texas, uses Presbyterian Night Shelter’s UpSpire program and transitional housing to provide paying, confidence-boosting jobs. This program helps homeless individuals develop a reputable employment record, potentially leading to better, permanent opportunities. Similar programs are being implemented in Denver, Albuquerque, Chicago, and Portland, Maine.

Colleges That Accept Felons

Colleges evaluate each applicant’s application based on various factors, including felony convictions, program application, release from prison, and potential threats to campus students. Automatic bans for felony convictions are rare. A history of serious violence or sexual offenses may reduce the likelihood of admission to an on-campus program.

8 Tips for Getting Hired as a Felon

Talking to successful ex-convicts can reveal common threads in job opportunities for felons, such as seeking employment through social services or employment agencies.

The following are the success tips for all felons to get hired either in the government or private sector.

  1. You must first remember that you’re not a bad person and that you’re worthy of a second chance. Draw a line between your current life and past experiences, and move forward with the understanding that your past doesn’t necessarily determine your future.
  2. Employers may initially perceive felons as untrustworthy, dangerous, and uneducated, fearing theft, harm, or drug abuse. It’s crucial to be realistic about these stereotypes and work to overcome them, even if they don’t apply to you.
  3. To achieve success, start by establishing a clean, professional image and maintaining it consistently. Dress as if you’re already successful, choosing classic and conservative clothing and hairstyles. Feeling successful is crucial, so invest significant effort in this crucial step.
  1. VolunteeringInvestResearchResearch career options, speak to industry professionals, understand requirements, and understand felony convictions to avoid pursuing careers that aren’t suitable for you, as sex offenses and violent crimes are typically the most limiting felonies.
  2. Invest in extra training to enhance your skills and become a valuable asset. Consider career training programs at trade schools and vocational colleges, which often offer relevant skills for today’s employers. If you’re unable to attend a trade school due to a conviction, consider online training options for a flexible education.
  3. Volunteering with church groups, charities, and nonprofits can help ex-cons gain valuable experience and references. Demonstrating reliability, hard work, and honesty can help establish great references, which are essential when applying for jobs as a felon.
  4. Strategically pursue jobs that don’t involve customer interaction, small businesses with better criminal record records, and temp agencies or family-owned companies with fewer hiring obstacles. These companies often have better track records and don’t perform pre-employment background checks, making hiring easier.
  5. Finally, maintain a positive attitude and persistence, even when faced with challenging employers. Focus on personal growth and learning from experiences, and take advantage of opportunities when they arise, never looking back.

In Conclusion 

If you’re currently or were recently released from prison, keep in mind that finding a job can be a daunting task.

You must be honest and own your past when applying to colleges. Many believe in giving people second chances, but it’s crucial to be honest about your past. Ask your admissions counselor about potential issues and seek a second opinion from regulatory bodies overseeing professional licensing in your state. This will prevent you from being denied a career path due to past offenses.

Don’t be discouraged if a school rejects you; apply elsewhere and consider online colleges for career training programs. Your criminal record may not be a concern, but research your desired occupation’s requirements before enrolling in a specific program.

Without drug-related convictions, as a felon, you can apply for federal financial aid, including grants or loans, which can help cover their education costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can felons work for local government?

State and local government jobs may accept applicants with felony convictions, depending on the nature of the conviction and job requirements.

Q. Can you work for the state of PA with a felony?

Pennsylvania law and even Nigerian law allow individuals to hold a state job even if they have been convicted of a crime.

Q. Can felons move to South Africa?

The South African Immigration Act allows applicants with previous criminal convictions or outstanding warrants to be declared prohibited persons, with exceptions for those cleared for “good cause.”

Q. Which felony is the most serious?

The severity of a felony is typically determined by its degree, with a first-degree felony being the most severe and a third-degree felony being the least severe.

Q. What’s the worst felony?

High-level felonies, reserved for Class A, B1, B2, Class C, and D felonies, include crimes like arson, burglary, armed robbery, voluntary manslaughter, and murder.

Q. Can a felon go to Canada?

Individuals with multiple misdemeanors or a single felony can be inadmissible to Canada even 30–40 years later, unless they receive special approval for entry.

Q. Can felons go to Dubai?

Dubai and the UAE can accept individuals with a criminal record, provided the crime was not committed in Dubai and the entire sentence has been served.

Q. Who has the most felonies in the United States?

The 2017 study reveals that while 8% of the U.S. adult population has felony records, 23% of black adults and 33% of black men have a felony record.

Q. Is robbery a felony?

Robbery is a violent crime, distinct from other thefts like burglary, shoplifting, pickpocketing, or car theft, which are often punished as misdemeanors in jurisdictions that differentiate between the two.

Q. Can you enter another country with a felony?

The Fifth Amendment allows felons to leave the United States after completing their sentence and post-prison sentence, such as probation.



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